I went to the Original GLBT Expo yesterday. Pretty good. Some new companies there. Was happy to see a few food places as booze companies are always around to give out samples. Cabot Creamery had tastes of four of their cheeses including one with basil and tomato. Catering company in Long Island City, here is Queens, had samples of their Maryland Style Crabcakes called Crabby Petes. They were also giving out samples of dessert things like chocolate covered banana on a stick.
Having nothing to do with the same company, there was T. Peters of Pete's Pride Dimes. They are dimes with a punched out heart, circle or diamond. Friendship, love, and to remind people that 10% (I think there's more) of the population is part of the gay community. www.pridedime.com
Loved this Wine Caddy company. Check it out at www.winecaddys.com Even if you don't drink wine, there are some cool sculptures. Having played the piano for several years, I decided on the piano player wine caddy and took some photos. Esther likes to sing along with me.
Candle's Your Way. Although they make candles for any occasion, the ones at the expo were all about dessert! I got one that looked like chocolate pudding with whipped cream and even smelled like chocolate. www.candlesyourway.shutterfly.com
Couldn't help take this photo. Company that sells electric cigarettes to wean you off of cigarettes. Right behind them is a huge inside display or whatever (didn't go in) on Camel cigarettes.
Sister Funk performed.